Uncategorized · 2010-06-28 0

Are you ready for some football? | PassiveAggressiveNotes.com

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Are you ready for some football?

        <h4>June 27th, 2010 &middot; <a href="http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/2010/06/27/are-you-ready-for-some-football/#comments">20 comments</a>
No, not the World Cup — we’re talkin’ good ol’ American college football. After all, as the homepage of the The Huntsville (Alabama) Times will tell you, kickoff is only a short 68 days away!

If you live in a town like Huntsville, Alabama, it’s beyond the scope of most folks’ imaginations that one simply wouldn’t care about something as earth-shatteringly important as football. As our submitter, a reporter at The Huntsville Times, explains, “We’re one hell of a football nation here — you either root for the University of Alabama Crimson Tide or Auburn University.”

So, our submitter concludes, “I’m guessing this letter comes from an Auburn fan.”
