Uncategorized · 2009-10-17 0

OK I've stopped bleeding!

Had a scare today that I just had to share with the world. I was getting through another day at work and without thinking scratched my arm.&nbsp; A few moments I looked down to find myself bleeding profusely.&nbsp; Thought it was odd but I patched myself up with the standard Alcohol and Superman band-aid routine and went on lunch.&nbsp; As I wrapped up lunch I noticed I was bleeding through my band-aid!&nbsp; I got a little scared and started getting worried.&nbsp; A kind woman at work (who used to be a nurse!) helped bandage me up with an ace bandage but as I was heading home I loosened it up and check and was still bleeding! At this point I decided it was time to go get this looked at.&nbsp; So Samantha drove me to the clinic and they took a look at me and decided I had somehow scratched a spot that was attached to a vein.&nbsp; They numbed my arm and cauterized the wound.&nbsp; Samantha's face was priceless!&nbsp; Needless to say I am not scratching at anything now!&nbsp; And now you know.&nbsp; And knowing is half the battle!<p /> Brian