Uncategorized · 2009-02-24 0

Wanted! Jobs in Birmingham Alabama! – ZeroSource

Zerolove posted a job opening in downtown Birmingham, Alabama for a code monkey and a tech monkey!  Here is the info:<p /></p><blockquote>

I need two people, ASAP to start work immediately!

The first person is a PHP Code Monkey. This will be a grunt job doing php programming, it will involve long hours and dedication to the projects handed to you. If you are interested please email [edited, visit link below] with your resume.

The second person I need, is someone that is proficient in Windows. I need someone that knows servers, desktops, etc… Must be good with people as you will be going out in public quite often. If you do not like to troubleshoot then you are not the person for this job. Again if this is you send your resume to [edited, visit link below]

Both of these jobs will be in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. The company is an fun place to work, but a place that is dedicated to their clients. Pluses include – Exchange Knowledge, Sharepoint Knowledge, CakePHP knowledge, and Linux Knowledge.

According to our conversation over Twitter, they are setting up interviews tomorrow and the position is contract to hire. Pass it around if you know anyone interested.

via: Wanted! Jobs in Birmingham Alabama! – ZeroSource

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