Uncategorized · 2008-05-16 0

This is an advance warning for Grand at Galleria

Engel Residential:<p />I have had horrible service from your company from day one.&nbsp; This is the beginning of what I hope to be a very lengthy discussion on why no one should ever rent a property at the <a href="http://www.thegrandatgalleria.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Grand at Galleria</a>.&nbsp; I can only speak for what I myself have experienced but I'm sure there are other horror stories.&nbsp; <p />I will scan it in for all to see when I have a chance but our original lease packet included a sheet to fill out with any damage incurred prior to moving in.&nbsp; We did the walk around and noted all the existing problems.&nbsp; I had to use another sheet.&nbsp; That right there should have told me not to move in but we were in a bit of a bind (and still are) for housing so we didn't contest that.&nbsp; Now, after two years of living at this apartment, we still have 90% of the issues on the list that have never been addressed even after we were assured that they would be within the first few months of us living there.<p />What prompted me to publish this aspect of my life is that Monday I placed a maintenance request with the front office and assured a "twenty-four to forty-eight hour response" time to my claim.&nbsp; So on Wednesday I came home to discover that my toilet still leaks all over the bathroom floor.&nbsp; The hose that refills the tank has come loose and is waving about after each flush.&nbsp; It really is not major.&nbsp; But I have stopped cleaning it up.&nbsp; The mold that accumulates in the bathroom and eventually condemns my building will be my final word.&nbsp; I don't care any more.&nbsp; <p />Like I said, this is just the beginning.&nbsp; Do not rent an apartment at Grand at Galleria.&nbsp; You will regret it.&nbsp; Is there anyone else who has a sob story?&nbsp; Post in the comments.&nbsp; Your shoulder is waiting.<p /><a href="http://engelresidential.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://engelresidential.com/</a><br /><a href="http://www.thegrandatgalleria.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://www.thegrandatgalleria.com/</a><p />--<p />Brian<br />   <div class="flockcredit" style="text-align:right;color:#CCC;font-size:x-small;">Blogged with the <a href="http://www.flock.com/blogged-with-flock" title="Flock Browser" target="_new" style="color:#999;font-weight:bold;" rel="noopener">Flock Browser</a>