Uncategorized · 2009-01-04 0

My Twitter and FriendFeed favorites!

This is very rough, sorry but this was an email I made for my friend <a href="http://www.twitter.com/slackermark">@SlackerMark</a> as he is brand new to Twitter and FriendFeed.&nbsp; As I typed it up I thought it might make an OK blog post.&nbsp; <p />  <i>&nbsp;Here is my uber list of people in no particular order to follow on Twitter.&nbsp; They will make your life a more meaningful existence, or something like that:</i><p />  <a href="http://twitter.com/darthvader">http://twitter.com/darthvader</a> Cause if you don't he will choke you with the Force<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/biz">http://twitter.com/biz</a> one of the Twitter founders<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/ev">http://twitter.com/ev</a> another Twitter founder<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/laughingsquid">http://twitter.com/laughingsquid</a> News and humor in the tech world<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/cnnbrk">http://twitter.com/cnnbrk</a> CNN - NEWS duh<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/Scobleizer">http://twitter.com/Scobleizer</a> Scobleizer is a huge tech guy and social media fan find him on FriendFeed too<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/twitter">http://twitter.com/twitter</a> it's what you are using so follow it<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/mashable">http://twitter.com/mashable</a> Tech/social media news<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/TechCrunch">http://twitter.com/TechCrunch</a> Michael Arrington - if you don't know who he is, your not into tech<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/wilw">http://twitter.com/wilw</a> Remember Weasly Crusher from Start Trek...well he grew up and now is an uber nerd<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/timoreilly">http://twitter.com/timoreilly</a> The guy with a bunch of tech books...yeah that O'Reilly<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/JohnCleese">http://twitter.com/JohnCleese</a> Monty Python funny man<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/hodgman">http://twitter.com/hodgman</a> PC funny man<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/algore">http://twitter.com/algore</a> yes...the former vice president<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/BarackObama">http://twitter.com/BarackObama</a> yes...the president-elect.&nbsp; He hasn't made an update since he won the election but the next post will probably cure cancer<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/jimmyfallon">http://twitter.com/jimmyfallon</a> another funny man from SNL<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/jabancroft">http://twitter.com/jabancroft</a> tech blogger who lives in Portland and works for Intel<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/guykawasaki">http://twitter.com/guykawasaki</a> very smart man in social media and in general<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/LeoLaporte">http://twitter.com/LeoLaporte</a> More tech news, very personable<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/CamaroSS">http://twitter.com/CamaroSS</a> My friend Kase...he rarely updates but follow him to make him feel better<br /> <a href="http://twitter.com/amtrekker">http://twitter.com/amtrekker</a> Go look at his blog and adventures!&nbsp; really worth it!<p />  You can find most of these people on friend feed as well so if you want to follow them there you can.&nbsp; Here are a couple that I follow there:<p />  <a href="http://friendfeed.com/ultrasur1">http://friendfeed.com/ultrasur1</a> she usually posts something thought provoking<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/problogger">http://friendfeed.com/problogger </a>Darren Rose a blogger in Australia, very good<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/justinkorn">http://friendfeed.com/justinkorn</a> some dude<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/louisgray">http://friendfeed.com/louisgray</a> tech dude<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/thepuck">http://friendfeed.com/thepuck</a> weird but interesting dude <br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/scobleizer">http://friendfeed.com/scobleizer</a> more scoble<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/techcrunch">http://friendfeed.com/techcrunch</a> more arrington<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/pathawks">http://friendfeed.com/pathawks</a> programmer<p />  FriendFeed also has rooms which usually feature conversations about topics or locations rather than people's individual feed.&nbsp; <p />  <a href="http://friendfeed.com/rooms/birmingham-alabama">http://friendfeed.com/rooms/birmingham-alabama</a> This is my room<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/rooms/friendfeed-feedback">http://friendfeed.com/rooms/friendfeed-feedback</a> Good one if you want to bitch about friendfeed<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/rooms/appleroom">http://friendfeed.com/rooms/appleroom</a> Yes it's about Apple, but think of it as cross training!<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/rooms/movie-reviews">http://friendfeed.com/rooms/movie-reviews</a> Movies and someones opinion of it<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/rooms/pro-blogger">http://friendfeed.com/rooms/pro-blogger</a> About blogging and social media<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/rooms/rww">http://friendfeed.com/rooms/rww</a> About tech, blogging, and social media<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/rooms/weloveapps">http://friendfeed.com/rooms/weloveapps</a> Very cool site that features (normally) free Windows, Mac, Linux, and web apps<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/mitchelltsai">http://friendfeed.com/mitchelltsai </a>some guy<br /> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/tad">http://friendfeed.com/tad</a> more tad<p />  Because both of these sites have opened their API's for the world to program there are many programs that let you access these websites from a desktop app.&nbsp; I recommend trying <a href="http://www.twhirl.org/">http://www.twhirl.org/ </a>first.&nbsp; It's a better twitter client than anything else.&nbsp; Friend Feeds website is so good you really will want to use it over the app.&nbsp; But twitter is nice to pull updates to the desktop.<p />  Since you like using and (I assume) pay for text messages, you can interact with Twitter via SMS.&nbsp; Check out their help pages for more, as I never use it in this manner but it looks interesting!&nbsp; Also look into Friend Feeds Imaginary Friends which lets you add people who are not using FF to still appear in your FF stream.&nbsp; For example, my friend <a href="http://www.twitter.com/camaross">@CamaroSS</a> is on Twitter but not FF so I created an imaginary friend of <a href="http://www.twitter.com/camaross">@CamaroSS</a> in FF and now his Twitter updates appear in my FF stream, even though he has never signed up for a FF account.&nbsp; Pretty cool!<p />  Well, that's it for now.&nbsp; I'm tired, that was a lot of typing.&nbsp; Time for some food.&nbsp; Hit me up as I am on Twitter constantly <a href="http://www.twitter.com/bmbufalo">@bmbufalo</a>.&nbsp; It's crack I tell you! <div class="blogger-post-footer"><img class="posterous_download_image" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/2675399127377711436-5990150325610816152?l=bmbufalo.blogspot.com" height="1" alt="" width="1" /></div>