Uncategorized · 2008-07-02 0

Blogger Tip Before Bed

As I wait for the latest patch for Call of Duty 4 I have a quick Blogger tip that is so obvious it hurts.&nbsp; I was cruising the interwebs wondering "How are these Bloggers adding navigation links and individual pages to their blogs" and began investigating.&nbsp; Checking out <a href="http://www.rob-sheridan.com/sketchblog/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SketchBlog</a>, one of the best designed Blogger blogs I've seen, I noticed that each of his "About Me" and "Wallpaper" sub-pages were actually just posts on his site!&nbsp; You pro-bloggers are grinding your teeth and screaming "Noob" (to which you would be correct).&nbsp; But I thought it was relivant to share and so simple I thought it might go unnoticed.&nbsp; <p />The process of actually making it happened is simple as well.&nbsp; Create a couple of blog entries&nbsp; with or without content (you can add it later and can set the post to an earlier date so it doesn't show up as a recent entry), add a HTML/Text widget to your blog from the layout section and get creative.&nbsp; I have added a very simple (and incomplete) one to my page.&nbsp; The HTML is bellow.&nbsp; I'll finish it up later.&nbsp; It looks like COD4 is finished downloading.&nbsp; Enjoy!<p />&lt;center&gt;<br /><a href="http://bmbufalo.blogspot.com/" style="font-weight:bold;">Home</a>&lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt; | &lt;/span&gt;<a href="http://bmbufalo.blogspot.com/2008/04/hoover-movie-crew.html" style="font-weight:bold;">Hoover Movie Crew</a>&lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt; | About Me&lt;/span&gt;<br />&lt;/center&gt;<p />--<p />Brian<br />   <div class="flockcredit" style="text-align:right;color:#CCC;font-size:x-small;">Blogged with the <a href="http://www.flock.com/blogged-with-flock" title="Flock Browser" target="_new" style="color:#999;font-weight:bold;" rel="noopener">Flock Browser</a>