Uncategorized · 2008-03-11 0

10,000 BC

So the turn out was not that great.  Other than myself, 2 others showed up, and one of those was my wife!  That's not anyone's fault as we did not do a good job of getting the word out in advance.  We will call a week ahead and let everyone know whats going on.  I also forgot to email a bunch of people.  Oops.  Oh well.<p />And the movie....well not to give anything away to those who were not there but you didn't miss much there.<p />Don't get me wrong 10,000 BC had all of the great elements of a modern story...huge explosions, action, a good looking girl, love, and huge explosions.  But if you are a history buff...or just went to elementary school...the "time-line" might confuse you.  If you don't believe me go fork over your ten dollars and see it.  My personal recommendation....wait for cable to pick it up.  It's free and you didn't miss anything special.<p />Something else that I didn't think about prior to the movie was the fact that Wings is the worst place to meet without reservations.  It was a hour wait for a table AND THE BAR!  So we moved over to the Cajun Steamer for our beer.  It worked as they were slower than Wings and we got a table much faster.  They also have a nice outside area for everyone (i.e. smokers) to hang out and drink.  And for the ladies there are heaters for when it's cold.  So we will probably meet out behind Cajun Steamer from now on.  I will update the directions and all of that over the next week as well as an update on the other movies.  I will also be sure to have posts to the actual movie sites and previews of each movie up for votes so you can see what you are voting for.   Look forward to the next one!<p />B.M. Bufalo<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img class="posterous_download_image" src="" height="1" alt="" width="1" /></div>