Uncategorized · 2012-08-15 0

Barack Obama signs Star Spangled Banner Com. Coin Act, 8/10
Barack Obama signs Star Spangled Banner Com. Coin Act, 8/10
Bill Clinton writing with his left hand on Air Force One
Bill Clinton writing with his left hand on Air Force One
George Bush, left handed
George Bush, left handed
Ronald Reagan still favored his left hand
Ronald Reagan still favored his left hand
Gerald R. Ford, left handed
Gerald R. Ford, left handed
A left handed pitch by Harry Truman
A left handed pitch by Harry Truman


I’m right-handed, but my Mom is left-handed, does that make me a half-lefty? Maybe? It’s that a… stretch?*

(*really bad arm-related pun)


Left-Handed Presidents

If you’re a southpaw, you’re in good Presidential company. Many of our U.S. Presidents have been left-handed, including Harry S. Truman, Gerald R. Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.

Both Presidents Truman and Reagan were switched to writing with their right hands as young school children, but photos show them favoring the left in other activities. It’s widely believed that Herbert Hoover was also left-handed, but archivists at the Hoover Library tell us that they’ve found no documentation – it’s just left hander’s lore.

Happy International Left Handers Day!