The last couple of weeks have been an absolute blur. I have gotten into college without spending any money (yet). I mean that literally. I am going to class without paying a dime of my own. My financial aid paperwork is still in process so I am going to class waiting for the last of my information to process. The down side to that is I have no books, no supplies, and close to no gas money to get there. It sucks. And I still have to pay tuition, bills and get Lucy to a vet visit soon. So it's been stressful. For these reason's I have not had any time to post here. And I miss it. I miss finding fun new things (at least to me) and telling this blank page why I like it and why you might too. But the Man (and Mom) say's to get a good job I have to have a piece of paper stating my four years has been spent learning stuff and things. So school comes first. <p />At least work has slowed down! Nothing is breaking and that is a great thing! And my personal business has picked up. I've got two computers here I am working on now! So there is some positive in all of's just everything has been coming at once and it's a bit overwhelming.<p />I have been posting to <a href="">Twitter </a>still so check there for my latest updates and I'll try to get back into a schedule here as soon as I can.<p /><br />--<p />Brian<br /><a href=""></a><br /><a href="">bmbufalo mobile</a><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img class="posterous_download_image" src="" height="1" alt="" width="1" /></div>
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